From Aunty Patsy Cameron
Yah pulingina Meena yah pulingina neena melythina.
From the deepest valleys of my heart, I honour and pay my respects to the memory of the Stoney Creek Nation - the Tyerenoterpanner, Leetermaireener and Panninher clans.
To our fantastic Poatina community and those of you who are visiting this place, I thank you for your sensitivity and respect of Aboriginal land and the acknowledgement that reaffirms this country was indeed a land of many people.
Poatina Arts
is working towards an inclusive and caring society where all individuals find their place and contribute with creativity and dignity.

Art Gallery
Our artist-run gallery aims to support emerging and established artists by providing a low-cost, quality exhibition venue in the context of the supportive community of artists and village residents. Adjoining the Tiers Tea Lounge, it’s a popular place for artistic contemplation and social connection.